Monday, May 31, 2010

The points are just like hair gel to a nun.

Season Two, Episode Five

Ok, I promised myself I get at least one more post done in May, so here it is. I'm on vacation now, so don't expect it to be any good whatsoever.

First game this time around is Weird Newscasters. Chip is in the middle of a Musical, Wayne is Drew's #1 teenage fan, and Ryan is trying to quell rumors that he's gay.

Although I think Chip is more suspicious in that regard.

But anyway, there really isn't much else of note that happens outside of Wayne getting audience members involved again.

She's just happy to be on tv.

Anyway, Drew gives everyone 1000 points.

I give Colin 700 points for his lead-in: "9 out of 10 Americans agree that out of ten people, one American will always disagree with the other 9." Wayne gets 500 for the audience participation.

Next is Duet, in which Wayne and Chip sing a "Jumpin Jive" song to Connie the receptionist.

I have absolutely no idea what "jive" is supposed to be, apart from the "I speak Jive" scene from Airplane.

Moving on to something I actually understand, we have Scenes from a Hat, featuring such scenes as "Bad Valentine's Day gifts", "Bad Jeopardy Categories", and "Favorite Pranks of Nuns".


No points from Drew here, but I have a some to give out:
500 to Colin for "Yeah, this town's big enough for the two of us"
400 to Ryan for "It's a gun"
500 to Chip for "Things Nobody Knows"

Next game is Whose Line: Gone with the Wind. Nothing like desecrating the classics.

"You look like two pigs wrestling under a blanket."

Colin and Ryan get 1000 points each from Drew.
I give Ryan 500 for doing...whatever that accent is he's trying to do, and deduct 800 from Colin for saying "Two thongs don't make a right".

The final scoring game is Hoedown. Because Hoedown is visually boring, instead you get the cookie monster mugging a wrestler.

I don't need a reason.

No points for this game.

Final Tally:
Chip: 1000
Wayne: 1000
Colin: 2000
Ryan: 2000
Total Points: 6000

Colin and Ryan tie for the win, but Chip wins. Because the points don't matter. Obviously.

Cumulative Total: Season 2, Episodes 1-5: 3,049,700

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