Sunday, July 25, 2010

The points are just like Golf to an amoeba.

Season 2, Episode 7

I told you I'd update again. Not going to bother with awarding my own points because I have to much other stuff to do.

Episode 7 starts off with Let's Make a Date, with Brad as a monster truck pull announcer, Colin as a winner of the Miss World competition, and Ryan turning into King Kong.

So Ryan and Colin act like they usually do.

Drew awards an indistinct number of points to the Television Critics, but because he couldn't be bothered to enunciate, I won't be bothered to figure out the number.

Next up is Superheroes:
*Brad is Prissy Boy, with the power to act like Bakura*
*Ryan is Captain Frisksalot, with the power to avoid Sexual Harassment suits
*Colin is the Bitter-Divorce Kid, with no actual superpower; he just sort of showed up
*Wayne is the Dirty Dancing Kid, you already know what his power is.

Doing the worm.

The real Prissy Boy receives 1000 points as an apology for Drew giving out his email on national tv.

Next up is the Ballad of Leonard the Lawyer.

He can't be an outlaw, he clearly isn't wearing chaps.

No points.

Next is If You Know What I Mean aka The Game that Drives the Censors Nuts: Auto Race edition.

They're checking out Brad's shoes, if you know what I mean...

Still no points.

The final scoring game is Greatest Hits: Golf. I have to admit, I do not understand the point of golf**, so I have no idea why you would make a cd about it. But that's kinda the point of Greatest Hits, so here we go.

I took this picture two weeks ago and
do not remember the context at all.

Final Tally:
Brad: 0
Wayne: 0
Colin: 0
Ryan: 0
TV Critics: Indeterminate
Prissy Boy: 1000
Total: 1000

So...uh...I guess Prissy Boy has the most points. But because he isn't actually the show, Colin and Ryan share the victory.

Cumulative Total: Season 2, Episodes 1-7: 3,051,700

*Watch a few of these if you don't get it.
** With the exceptions of Mario Golf and Miniature Golf, of course.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I will update again eventually.

Haven't been able to update because of work schedule. Now am getting off work to go on vacation.
In the mean time, the TvTropes Crowning Moment of Funny Page for Whose Line. Watch the Youtube clips on it or something.
Also, a surfing AT-AT.