Thursday, May 13, 2010

The points are just like toilet paper to a Canadian mummy

Season Two, Episode Four

And we begin another episode of Whose Line with a game of "Let's Make a Date", with Greg as an exorcist, Colin as a rabid Canadian hockey player, and Ryan as a strip club bouncer.

It quickly devolves into chaos.

Ryan gets 5000 points from Drew.

I give Wayne 500 points for thinking that Greg is an "exerciser" (or "exorcisor", whatever).

Blah blah blah blah "Film Dub", Blah blah blah.

"Blah blah blah!"
"Blah blah blah blah."

Blah blah 1000 points blah Greg, Colin, blah Ryan. Blah blah.

Next up is "Three Headed Broadway Star", featuring the breakout hit "Flea Dip" from the musical, Bob.

No one has any idea what they're singing about.

No one gets any points from Drew.
I give 1000 points to whoever suggested "Bob" as the name of the musical.

"Film, TV, and Theater Styles" is next, with 2 archaeologists opening the tomb of the Mummy. The mummy is Canadian. You know what that means.

I've never seen a Bergman film,
but I'm sure it can't be this good.

Ryan gets 1000 points.

I give 1000 points to everyone for the whole "Bergman film" section, which is hilarious.

The final game is "Greatest Hits: Songs of the Dogwalker", in which Wayne,

...sings a romantic ballad of some sort.


No points from Drew, although I give Colin 1000 points for "In High School, I was belonged to a band called the Happy Funk Band, until an unfortunate typo caused us to be expelled from school."

Final Tally:
Greg: 1000
Wayne: 0
Colin: 1000
Ryan: 7000
Total Points: 9000

Wayne wins, despite having no points, while Ryan has 7000. The points don't matter, what did you expect?

Cumulative Total: Season 2, Episodes 1-4: 3,043,700

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